Monday 16 June 2014


It took one of two things to stick it out at Deer Lake Park on Saturday. Either you were a true British Columbian, or a dedicated Tegan and Sara fan.
The sun began to set at the CBC Music Festival, and the rain started to fall. Anticipation was building as Richard Terfry aka Buck 65, took to the stage in an attempt to get the crowd back from the "Spoon" trance they were in. The DJ was spinning the right tunes. People were moving to the beat...or in some cases, a completely different beat, waiting patiently for the headliners.
A short intro, and out came the band, quickly followed by twin sisters Tegan and Sara. The ladies got right into it, joking with the audience and bringing up fond memories of the times they've spent in Vancouver. The rain fell harder, the fans got louder, and with some dance tips from Tegan, the whole park was moving their hips back and forth, with their arms in the air. The two played songs from their latest album "Heartthrob", and took us back to earlier days with older hits. While keeping the energy up wasn't a problem, keeping people dry was. Slowly, one by one, festival goers trickled off, but with just a handful of songs left, there was still a pretty sizable crowd. Some, I can only assume, just waiting to dance their hearts out to one of the band's more popular hits "Closer".

The shakes started to set in as I was drenched from the pouring rain. Dripping from head to toe, drops falling from my hair to my chin, it was about the 7th drop on my lip that made me decide it was time to go. It was a shame to leave the party before wonders of an encore even crossed my mind, but I knew I'd be able to hear the rest of the concert on my way back to the car, and I needed heat fast.

All in all, I think the concert was great. If it wasn't for the horrible weather, I think more people would have stuck around for the show. The good news is, Vancouver will have two more chances to catch the girls this year! September 9th and 10th will see them opening for Katy Perry at Rogers Arena. For two Canadian girls with a dream, and drive...they sure have come a long way.

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