Sunday 20 July 2014


How many times have you heard the words "OK, Go!" That short sentence was uttered again and again Saturday night, on a giant screen displaying clips from numerous movies, cartoons and tv shows, amping up the crowd at Vancouver's Venue for the quartet.
The performance was different than what I'm used to. The line up was long, so it was a good turn out...there was no opening act, and just after 8, "OK, Go!" graced the stage. I'll be the first to admit, I didn't know much about this band going in...but what I did know, was what I'd seen in their music videos. I was excited for the creativity and activeness portrayed in these videos. Pumped to take pictures, thinking I'd be unable to stop myself from dancing. Unfortunately, the show didn't live up to my expectations. Don't get me wrong. The music was good, and the interaction between Lead singer Damian Kulash and the fans was unreal. Kulash took breaks between songs for brief Q & A's. A fan would raise their hand, be addressed, and their question would be answered in front of others, others that were jealous they hadn't called out first. As if that wasn't enough for OK Goers...Kulash decided to get a little closer, stepping into the crowd to sing a couple of songs, while being praised. At one point, the band even gave instructions for the crowd to make certain sounds so we could "record a track together". Bass player Tim Nordwind, took a mic opportunity to tell Canadians what his first sight was upon awakening in Vancouver. "People playing hockey". The bass guitarist went on to say it doesn't get much more Canadian than that, explaining how great it was to see.
Now that I've told you what I loved about the concert, you're sitting their wondering what is she talking about?...How was this not what she expected? Well, to be honest, treadmills is what I was expecting. I know that could be difficult to lug in and out of smaller I was willing to let that go...but what about some dance moves? There was confetti everywhere. That kept things lively. I just didn't feel as though the band had as much energy as I had hoped. That didn't seem to cross anyone else's minds though. Sean Cranston and (lucky for me), his tiny fiance Felanie, were in their element. The two, who plan to have their first dance as bride and groom to OK Go's "Autumn Leaf", were so excited to be at the show, and allowed me to stand behind them, getting the perfect camera angle over Felanie's head, capturing hands waving in the air, optical illusions on the screen, and fans smiles from ear to ear.
While it wasn't my favourite performance, it was still enjoyable. I did sing along to "Turn Up the Radio", and I'm sure I'll purchase a copy of "Hungry Ghosts" due out this October. I just might not be first in line to buy tickets to the band's next show.
Maija Preddy MKP Celebrity Talk

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