Monday 8 September 2014

Passenger Live at the Malkin Bowl

If you ask me, there’s not much better than an acoustic performance. 
I expected an amazing show tonight…but what I saw, was so much better.

The line up, before gates opened at 6, went from the entrance of Malkin Bowl, to about a kilometre from English Bay! I knew it was sold out…but Vancouverites, you can relate… when everyone shows up for the opening acts…YOU KNOW it’s gonna be good.

Stu Larsen was the first to grace the stage. The set was short, but gave anyone who had yet to hear Larsen, a real taste of his sound, and what they can expect for his show at the Media Club on September 20th. He left the stage with applause all around. Luckily for us, this wasn’t the last we’d see of him tonight.

We weren’t waiting long at all, when The Once appeared before us. Man do they have a story to tell! (Hopefully you’ll see that on my youtube page in the coming weeks). The Newfoundlanders expressed their gratitude for fans knowing who they were, their lyrics, and their backstory. Not to mention, the soon to be fans, that were welcoming their songs with open ears. You could see just how grateful the members of the band were to be on that stage, sharing their music with the 1,000 people surrounding them. NOW, fans were filled with anticipation, smiles, and a beat to tap their foot to, as The Once fell into the wings of the stage, and left us with a short break.

Low roars of conversation filled the Malkin Bowl as everyone spoke of the performances they’d just seen, and what was to come. And then…there he was! The person we’d ALL been waiting for. Mike Rosenberg. For those of you who don’t know, Rosenberg is Passenger. Some may think Passenger is a band. They’d be wrong. That talent you’ve come to love, has come from one incredible individual.

The songs Passenger played for us, were introduced or followed by stories of where they originated. With each pause, you learned a little more about the singer/songwriter and his 10 year journey. Although the promise he made to his loyal fans, was to leave them depressed…I think it’s safe to say, the feeling this evening, was quite the opposite. While there were definitely sad or heartfelt stories, there were just as many tales of hope, or swear words to make you smile and laugh.

For me, there was one introduction in particular, that really hit home. The lyrics that would follow, solidified that feeling. It was a message letting you know that no matter what your dream was, or how many people were telling you it wasn’t possible…if it’s something you love, and work hard for, it could happen. It might take “600 songs” and “only 12 get sung”…but those 12 could make it all worth your while. We all have negative thoughts. Even if you’re the most confident person on earth, I’m sure there are times where you’ve stopped and wondered if you were doing the right thing, if you could accomplish what you wanted, or contemplated throwing in the towel on your dreams. (I know I’ve wondered if I’m good enough more than once). 27 years though, when sang, put everything into perspective. Yes things get tough, but would anything be worthwhile if you didn’t have to put in the time to make it happen?

Music is a powerful tool. It can make millions of people think completely different things. One thing’s for sure though, it’s one of few things that can bring thousands of people of all ages, ethnicities and personalities into one venue, for one enjoyable night. A night where they can forget everything else going on in their day to day lives, even if just for a moment. Passenger did just that. The set finished, with fans singing along, and the lights dimmed. Applause were wild, and continued for what seemed like ages. People’s hands must have begun hurting, because suddenly, the sound of clapping, turned into the last sing-a-long chant we’d been through before Rosenberg left the stage. Repeating the word "Oh" melodically over and over, you could hear the smiles in the audiences voices, and obviously so could Rosenberg, as he came bouncing back onto the stage, finishing the rendition along with us, and then performing an encore.

We got two more songs out of him. One in which he invited Stu Larsen and The Once back to the stage to sing with him, and the other, would be his last solo gift to us for the evening. “Holes” came over the speakers, the great raspiness of his voice that we’ve all come to yearn for filled our hearts, and he finished our night off just as strongly as Larsen had started it.

My journey has been 28 years in the making, I’ll continue to do it, and I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it doesn’t take me another 27 to lock down an interview with Passenger… But hey, if it does…think of all the things we’ll have to talk about!


To watch the interviews I've conducted please visit MKP Celebrity Talk's webpage or youtube page at : and/or

Thank you for the support.

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