Thursday 18 September 2014

Trevor Hall - Small is Beautiful

Spirits were high at the Media Club Sunday night, as fans poured in for an intimate performance by Trevor Hall. 

The “Small is Beautiful” Tour is seeing Hall at various venues across North America, all of which are on a smaller scale than what he’s become accustomed to. The reason for this? It’s a better way to connect with fans. Hall proved this again and again through his performance on the 14th. He’d chat from the small stage, tell a story, and each person in the venue felt like they’d lived through the experience with him. At one point, Hall was expressing how he’d felt after the tour bus had been broken into. You could hear a pin drop while he told the story, and as if on cue, when it ended, the crowd’s hearts broke in unison. He’d lighten the mood a little with a funnier story, or with a joke related to the crooks now walking around with a thousand Trevor Hall t-shirts, and the room filled with laughter.

From the very beginning of the show, to the meet and greet at the end, Hall’s followers hung onto each word. It was the first show I’d ever been to, where the lead singer, or the drummer, didn’t need to ask the crowd to clap a long. It was as though they’d done a rehearsal before hand. He’d start a song, and half way through, everyone in the room, clearly devoted fans, began clapping at the exact moment they were supposed to. The night continued this way. Each individual happy to be there, in that moment.

When it came time for an encore, Trevor surprised me…but I think his fans knew exactly what was coming. He stepped down from the stage. My immediate thought, was that he was finished and was ready to meet his fans. They all knew that wasn’t the case. The stage filled out with masses of people from the crowd, and a circle formed around him. He began to sing, and play guitar, and had a chorus of Vancouverite voices around him. They all knew the beat and the words to the song…even when it came to the Sanskrit chanting, they were on point.

The night wouldn’t end there. Although the show was over, a line up formed at the merchandise table, and out came Trevor from behind closed doors, pen and smile, ready for greeting fans and multiple selfies.

A chat with Hall, and a keepsake from the show...what more could a fan ask for?

For more on Trevor, please visit MKP Celebrity Talk's webpage or youtube page at : and/or and watch our interview

Thank you for the support.


Monday 8 September 2014

Passenger Live at the Malkin Bowl

If you ask me, there’s not much better than an acoustic performance. 
I expected an amazing show tonight…but what I saw, was so much better.

The line up, before gates opened at 6, went from the entrance of Malkin Bowl, to about a kilometre from English Bay! I knew it was sold out…but Vancouverites, you can relate… when everyone shows up for the opening acts…YOU KNOW it’s gonna be good.

Stu Larsen was the first to grace the stage. The set was short, but gave anyone who had yet to hear Larsen, a real taste of his sound, and what they can expect for his show at the Media Club on September 20th. He left the stage with applause all around. Luckily for us, this wasn’t the last we’d see of him tonight.

We weren’t waiting long at all, when The Once appeared before us. Man do they have a story to tell! (Hopefully you’ll see that on my youtube page in the coming weeks). The Newfoundlanders expressed their gratitude for fans knowing who they were, their lyrics, and their backstory. Not to mention, the soon to be fans, that were welcoming their songs with open ears. You could see just how grateful the members of the band were to be on that stage, sharing their music with the 1,000 people surrounding them. NOW, fans were filled with anticipation, smiles, and a beat to tap their foot to, as The Once fell into the wings of the stage, and left us with a short break.

Low roars of conversation filled the Malkin Bowl as everyone spoke of the performances they’d just seen, and what was to come. And then…there he was! The person we’d ALL been waiting for. Mike Rosenberg. For those of you who don’t know, Rosenberg is Passenger. Some may think Passenger is a band. They’d be wrong. That talent you’ve come to love, has come from one incredible individual.

The songs Passenger played for us, were introduced or followed by stories of where they originated. With each pause, you learned a little more about the singer/songwriter and his 10 year journey. Although the promise he made to his loyal fans, was to leave them depressed…I think it’s safe to say, the feeling this evening, was quite the opposite. While there were definitely sad or heartfelt stories, there were just as many tales of hope, or swear words to make you smile and laugh.

For me, there was one introduction in particular, that really hit home. The lyrics that would follow, solidified that feeling. It was a message letting you know that no matter what your dream was, or how many people were telling you it wasn’t possible…if it’s something you love, and work hard for, it could happen. It might take “600 songs” and “only 12 get sung”…but those 12 could make it all worth your while. We all have negative thoughts. Even if you’re the most confident person on earth, I’m sure there are times where you’ve stopped and wondered if you were doing the right thing, if you could accomplish what you wanted, or contemplated throwing in the towel on your dreams. (I know I’ve wondered if I’m good enough more than once). 27 years though, when sang, put everything into perspective. Yes things get tough, but would anything be worthwhile if you didn’t have to put in the time to make it happen?

Music is a powerful tool. It can make millions of people think completely different things. One thing’s for sure though, it’s one of few things that can bring thousands of people of all ages, ethnicities and personalities into one venue, for one enjoyable night. A night where they can forget everything else going on in their day to day lives, even if just for a moment. Passenger did just that. The set finished, with fans singing along, and the lights dimmed. Applause were wild, and continued for what seemed like ages. People’s hands must have begun hurting, because suddenly, the sound of clapping, turned into the last sing-a-long chant we’d been through before Rosenberg left the stage. Repeating the word "Oh" melodically over and over, you could hear the smiles in the audiences voices, and obviously so could Rosenberg, as he came bouncing back onto the stage, finishing the rendition along with us, and then performing an encore.

We got two more songs out of him. One in which he invited Stu Larsen and The Once back to the stage to sing with him, and the other, would be his last solo gift to us for the evening. “Holes” came over the speakers, the great raspiness of his voice that we’ve all come to yearn for filled our hearts, and he finished our night off just as strongly as Larsen had started it.

My journey has been 28 years in the making, I’ll continue to do it, and I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it doesn’t take me another 27 to lock down an interview with Passenger… But hey, if it does…think of all the things we’ll have to talk about!


To watch the interviews I've conducted please visit MKP Celebrity Talk's webpage or youtube page at : and/or

Thank you for the support.

Sunday 20 July 2014


How many times have you heard the words "OK, Go!" That short sentence was uttered again and again Saturday night, on a giant screen displaying clips from numerous movies, cartoons and tv shows, amping up the crowd at Vancouver's Venue for the quartet.
The performance was different than what I'm used to. The line up was long, so it was a good turn out...there was no opening act, and just after 8, "OK, Go!" graced the stage. I'll be the first to admit, I didn't know much about this band going in...but what I did know, was what I'd seen in their music videos. I was excited for the creativity and activeness portrayed in these videos. Pumped to take pictures, thinking I'd be unable to stop myself from dancing. Unfortunately, the show didn't live up to my expectations. Don't get me wrong. The music was good, and the interaction between Lead singer Damian Kulash and the fans was unreal. Kulash took breaks between songs for brief Q & A's. A fan would raise their hand, be addressed, and their question would be answered in front of others, others that were jealous they hadn't called out first. As if that wasn't enough for OK Goers...Kulash decided to get a little closer, stepping into the crowd to sing a couple of songs, while being praised. At one point, the band even gave instructions for the crowd to make certain sounds so we could "record a track together". Bass player Tim Nordwind, took a mic opportunity to tell Canadians what his first sight was upon awakening in Vancouver. "People playing hockey". The bass guitarist went on to say it doesn't get much more Canadian than that, explaining how great it was to see.
Now that I've told you what I loved about the concert, you're sitting their wondering what is she talking about?...How was this not what she expected? Well, to be honest, treadmills is what I was expecting. I know that could be difficult to lug in and out of smaller I was willing to let that go...but what about some dance moves? There was confetti everywhere. That kept things lively. I just didn't feel as though the band had as much energy as I had hoped. That didn't seem to cross anyone else's minds though. Sean Cranston and (lucky for me), his tiny fiance Felanie, were in their element. The two, who plan to have their first dance as bride and groom to OK Go's "Autumn Leaf", were so excited to be at the show, and allowed me to stand behind them, getting the perfect camera angle over Felanie's head, capturing hands waving in the air, optical illusions on the screen, and fans smiles from ear to ear.
While it wasn't my favourite performance, it was still enjoyable. I did sing along to "Turn Up the Radio", and I'm sure I'll purchase a copy of "Hungry Ghosts" due out this October. I just might not be first in line to buy tickets to the band's next show.
Maija Preddy MKP Celebrity Talk

Monday 16 June 2014


It took one of two things to stick it out at Deer Lake Park on Saturday. Either you were a true British Columbian, or a dedicated Tegan and Sara fan.
The sun began to set at the CBC Music Festival, and the rain started to fall. Anticipation was building as Richard Terfry aka Buck 65, took to the stage in an attempt to get the crowd back from the "Spoon" trance they were in. The DJ was spinning the right tunes. People were moving to the beat...or in some cases, a completely different beat, waiting patiently for the headliners.
A short intro, and out came the band, quickly followed by twin sisters Tegan and Sara. The ladies got right into it, joking with the audience and bringing up fond memories of the times they've spent in Vancouver. The rain fell harder, the fans got louder, and with some dance tips from Tegan, the whole park was moving their hips back and forth, with their arms in the air. The two played songs from their latest album "Heartthrob", and took us back to earlier days with older hits. While keeping the energy up wasn't a problem, keeping people dry was. Slowly, one by one, festival goers trickled off, but with just a handful of songs left, there was still a pretty sizable crowd. Some, I can only assume, just waiting to dance their hearts out to one of the band's more popular hits "Closer".

The shakes started to set in as I was drenched from the pouring rain. Dripping from head to toe, drops falling from my hair to my chin, it was about the 7th drop on my lip that made me decide it was time to go. It was a shame to leave the party before wonders of an encore even crossed my mind, but I knew I'd be able to hear the rest of the concert on my way back to the car, and I needed heat fast.

All in all, I think the concert was great. If it wasn't for the horrible weather, I think more people would have stuck around for the show. The good news is, Vancouver will have two more chances to catch the girls this year! September 9th and 10th will see them opening for Katy Perry at Rogers Arena. For two Canadian girls with a dream, and drive...they sure have come a long way.

Sunday 11 May 2014


3 I's no G and an E...Spelling isn't all that's different about Edmonton's Electronic Rockers "SIIINES".

If you haven't checked them out yet, you're missing out. Morgan Gies and Travis Nesbitt, formerly of the band Social Code, have transformed Rock into, although it's hard to believe, something that's a little more in your face. They take real life issues and oblivion, and make it so that you can't stop singing about it.

The duo took to the stage last night in Vancouver, with DJ Garry Scribbles, and although it was late, The Fanclub could not have been more awake. Amazing guitar riffs from Gies, keyboard beats, and unbelievable vocals from Travis Nesbitt, had the venue and all of it's patrons high on energy.

Just when you thought you were finished...out of strength, out of dance were proven wrong. Hits from their first EP "Disk0sno" like "Sex on the Dance Floor", and others from "fukushimarama" released February of this year, were impossible to sit still to. People of all ages were on their feet, singing along loudly, and showing off their moves. Members of the navy arrived, joining the crowd, attracted by the catchy tunes.

The two had joked about only being able to see their silhouettes during a performance, but let me tell you, on this night, ending their 2 month tour...they lit up that stage.

Tune into MKP CELEBRITY TALK later this week for my interview with Travis Nesbitt and Morgan Gies of Siiines.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Con Bro Chill

Eras seem to come back around full circle, and right now we are seeing a return of the 80's (or if you talk to Con Martin of Con Bro Chill the return of '92 - a very good year). Either way the leggings, ties on the shirts and now happy upbeat, let's just have fun music, is bringing back fond memories for some, and building first time memories for others.

Going into Wonder Ballroom last night for Con Bro Chill's hometown performance in Portland, I wasn't sure just what to expect. Bright coloured clothing lit up the room, as you walked through a neon army toward the stage. If the fans outfits weren't enough to make you smile, what happened next was sure to do it.

The lights were down, the crowd was filled with anticipation, and with that first beat of music, screams filled the venue. Con, Sam, Steve, Ty and Joy took to the stage, but not like anyone I've ever seen before. No, these guys came to party, and they weren't letting anyone off the hook.

The floor shook as everyone jumped up and down to the rhythm of the drums. Multiple costume changes, high kicks, and wicked dance moves kept everyone smiling ear to ear.

The guys promised they were "Not Going Home" yet, and kept the high energy up.

Patronage took over as the men sported tight and bright American Flag outfits, and voices from beyond the stage joined in to sing the countries National Anthem. As if that wasn't enough, Ty came out in a giant American Eagle costume flapping his wings and cocking his head while perfecting each dance move.

Just when you thought there was no way they had a single step left in their spring, the band returned to the stage for an encore. The crowd happy as ever, pleased with the show, were laughing and chatting among each other when the lights came on. As they started making their way to the exit, the band had one last surprise for their deserving fellow partiers. Out from behind the stage came Joy, Ty, Steve and Con to meet the individuals that had driven all the way from Bellingham, the ones who had created full outfits out of duct tape, and any other individuals waiting patiently to get a picture taken with their favourite CBC member.

As we moved towards the exit, the party may have been over for the venue...but it would continue in the streets, and in vehicles - mine included - as the "We Came to Party" EP blasted through jammy packs and car stereos.

If you can catch a CBC performance, I'm sending you with a challenge. Go to the concert, and try, just try, to not crack a smile. Don't tap a toe...and whatever you do...don't dance. If you can accomplish this, you're living life wrong.

Make sure you subscribe to so you get the latest interviews from MKP Celebrity Talk, including one with Steve, Ty and Con.

Thursday 20 February 2014


What do you expect from a concert you've bought tickets for? For me, talent, great stage presence, some solid vocals and a bit of dancing all contribute to a good performance. Well, fans of Pentatonix will tell you, the popular a capella group brought that and more, to their sold out show at the Vogue Theatre in Vancouver Wednesday night.
From low to high, the group hit every note as fans of all ages, literally babies, to those in their sixties, were there to celebrate a love for music. Scott Hoying, Kirstie Maldonado, Mitch Grasi, Avi Kaplan and Kevin "K.O." Olusola captured their audience with their raw talent.
Bearing it all, the quintet kicked off the eventful night with a few covers, as the crowd sang and danced to the tunes they all knew. Moments later, you could hear a pin drop as they sang new originals on lookers didn't know, but couldn't wait to learn. Jaws dropped as Grasi hit notes as high as Minnie Riperton, and hearts melted as Kaplan's deep, low voice shook the ground, and took over the room.
Convinced there was a set of drums hidden somewhere on stage, Olusola proved us wrong as we got a closer look at his lips against the microphone, showcasing the art of beatboxing. The only time a single instrument was used was when he brought multitasking to a whole new level. Out came the cello and the music that was made, right there before our very eyes, was unbelievable!
Maldonado took the venue by storm with her vocals a number of times, but if I had to choose, my personal favourite, it would be the group's rendition of "Say Something". The song itself is beautiful...but Maldonado made it her own, as she belted the lyrics, and you saw into her soul.
Hoying brought his voice and dance moves to the stage in full force. Fans swooned as he moved his hips and sung solo after solo. I can quite honestly say, although I'd seen their videos, nothing can show you just how much talent these five have, like a live show.
When the opportunity for someone to go on stage arose, the crowds hands waved in the air hopelessly praying they'd be the chosen one. Making everyone in the room packed wall to wall jealous, Kim was picked from 1,250 people, and I must say, she was the best one for it. Never have I seen someone act so appropriately. She fit right in. A definite fan, as you could tell by her Pentatonix T-shirt and excitement riddled face...but she kept her cool, and became a part of the act with wicked dance moves, a giant smile, and a heart happy to be a part of it all. The crowd was talking about her when the show was done, pleased with how well she handled herself, and stating that they would not have been the same, would not have been as composed, if Hoying sat on their lap, or they had the chance to be hugged by any of the talented five.
Yes, Pentatonix brought a whole new meaning to the word "talent" Wednesday. I can still hear the beating of the drums made from their voices, the perfect harmonies, and the flawless synchronization of their melodies. If you haven't yet, I definitely suggest you check out the bands videos, buy their CD's, and look over their tour dates to see if BY CHANCE, there are any tickets left for a show near you. Find more on Pentatonix at
I can't wait to one day ask each of them to..."Show me your socks!" I can only imagine what's hiding under those awesome shoes.